In Greek mythology, Phaethon was the son of the sun god Helios, who was granted permission to drive his father's chariot, carrying the sun across the sky. However, Phaethon's hubris, or excessive pride and arrogance, led to his downfall. Ignoring warnings and lacking the skill to control the fiery horses, he lost control of the chariot, causing chaos on Earth. One piece of evidence for his hubris is found in Ovid's "Metamorphoses," where Phaethon boasts about his divine lineage and demands to drive the sun chariot to prove his parentage. This impulsive and arrogant act ultimately leads to his death as Zeus intervenes and strikes him down with a thunderbolt to prevent further destruction. Phaethon's tragic demise serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of hubris and the consequences of overestimating one's abilities.