2 votes

5. It becomes clear that Macbeth will do whatever is necessary to gain complete control of the crown. "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts
absolutely." To what extent would Shakespeare agree with this statement as seen through the course of the plot in this play?
Explain in at least 3 sentences. Use at least one quote as support.

User Liang Wu
6.9k points

1 Answer

2 votes

It is common knowledge that it is human nature to crave power. Also, that the more power that is acquired the more power hungry someone would become, and with this power they become more and more corrupt. In Shakespeare's Macbeth, Macbeth showed this throughout the entire play. There was strict relationship between the amount of power Macbeth obtained and the corrupt acts he committed. When Macbeth had no title, or only the title of his father, Thane of Glamis, he did not exhibit corruption. But as he gained more power, such as gaining the title of Thane of Cawdor, his corruption became more and more evident especially when he says “Stars hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires" in Act 1 Scene IV, in this quote he is referring to how he wishes his true intentions of becoming king and gaining power to be kept secret from everyone which basically represents Macbeth’s greed entirely.
User Sertorio Noronha
5.7k points