If you pay the balance of your credit card bill before the due date, you would pay the minimum payment on your bill.
Step-by-step explanation:
The benefits of paying your bill in the middle of the statement period include freeing up your line of credit and helping reduce the amount of interest you may pay. Paying your credit card bill in full before the statement closes means you shouldn't have to pay any interest, unless you have been paying down a balance over several months. Most credit card issuers give you a grace period during which you're not liable for paying interest, provided you pay your account in-full before the statement due date. If you pay your balance before the statement closes, you'll see a "payments" line on your statement, reflecting the amount that's been subtracted from your statement balance. Paying your credit card bill early frees up credit on your account - paying your balance in full causes your credit card limit to reset. When you make a credit card payment, the amount of your payment is automatically added back to your credit line, which can be especially useful helpful if you're getting close to maxing out your credit limit.