Matching Accounting Terms with Corresponding Definitions:
Accounting Terms Definitions:
1. Specific identification C.
2. Materiality concept H.
3. Last-in, first-out (LIFO) F.
4. Conservatism E.
5. Consistency principle G.
6. Weighted-average D.
7. Disclosure principle B.
8. First-in, first-out (FIFO) A.
Step-by-step explanation:
A. FIFO: Treats the oldest inventory purchases as the first units sold.
B. Disclosure principle: Requires that a company report enough information for outsiders to make knowledgeable decisions.
C. Specific identification: Identifies exactly which inventory item was sold. Usually used for higher cost inventory.
D. Weighted-average: Calculates a weighted-average cost based on the cost of goods available for sale and the number of units available.
E. Conservatism: Principle whose foundation is to exercise caution in reporting financial statement items.
F. LIFO: Treats the most recent/newest purchases as the first units sold.
G. Consistency Principle: Businesses should use the same accounting methods from period to period.
H. Materiality Concept: Principle that states significant items must conform to GAAP.