Solution :
In this case we have to use
for the goodness of fit.
Null hypothesis is :
Data follows the given distribution
Alternate hypothesis is :
Data do not follow the given distribution
The level of significance,

The test statistics is given by :
Chi square =

Here O is the observed frequencies
E is the expected frequencies
So we have, N = number of the categories = 4
df = degrees o freedom = N - 1
= 4 - 1 = 3
Critical value =

Calculating the table for the test statistics are given as :
Category prop. O E

A 0.2 14 20 1.80
C 0.3 28 30 0.13
M 0.1 6 10 1.60
P 0.4 52 40 3.60
Total 1 100 100 7.13
The test statics = chi square =
= 7.13
statistics = 7.13
P-value = 0.067767248
P -value >

Therefore, we do not reject the
. There is sufficient evidence to conclude that the data follows the given distribution. So there is sufficient evidence to conclude the given claim is true.