1 Football , Football can give you very bad head injuries. There has been many cases where teens or older people have hurt their head very bad and ended in the hospital.
2 Roller Coaster , I got on the highest Roller Coaster on sea world and it made me super nervous and very scared .
3 Some people participate in these activities because they like it , some because they get paid for it , but there’s many reasons why people could participate in dangerous activities.
4 Someone should always go for what they like , they should search up the pros and cons of that specific sport . They can search up any injuries in the game and stuff like that .
5 Don’t like it , think it’s a disrespect to Mother Nature , to the animals cause why kill them , you can just go to the store and buy food , there is no need to kill these poor animals .
6 I really dislike that they kill for fun , but it’s also very dangerous, cause if they get bored of killing an animal they might start killing people not saying everyone but there has been cases like that .