The chemical bond formed by the transfer of electrons from the valence shell of one tom to the valence shell of another atom is called electrovalent bond or ionic bond ad the valency is electrovalency. The compounds which are formed as a result of lectrovalent bonding are called electrovalent compounds or ionic compounds.
Step-by-step explanation:
ectrovalent bond is formed between two atoms in which one atom belongs to a etal while the other to a non-metal. The metal atom loses its valance electron to tain stable electronic configuration and gains positive ion or cation. On the other nd, the non-metal atom gains electrons from the metal to form stable negative ion anion. The atom of an element which has less than 4 electrons in its valence shell has tendency to lose electrons whereas the atom which has more than 4 electrons in its lance shell has a tendency to gain electrons to attain the inert gas configuration. As a sult, these atoms acquire electrical charges; called ions. Usually metal atoms lose ectron (s) and gain positively charged whereas non-metal atoms usually gains electron and acquires a negative charge. These two oppositely charge ions i.e. cation and mion are bonded together by the force of attraction to form the ionic bond.