Temperature increases as your altitude increases in the stratosphere and the Thermosphere.
Temperature decreases as your altitude increases in the mesosphere and the Troposphere.
Explanation: The atmosphere has different layers which varies as your altitude increases. The following are the various layers of the atmosphere.
The thermosphere, the Mesosphere, the Troposphere and the stratosphere.
Stratosphere: This is the layer of the atmosphere extending above 50km from the earth's surface it is above the Troposphere.
Troposphere: This is the layer of the atmosphere that extends up to 10km from the earth surface it is the closest to the earth.
Mesosphere: This is the middle layer of the atmosphere between altitude 50km to about 80km it is directly below the thermosphere.
Thermosphere: This is the topmost layer of the atmosphere ranging above 80km from the earth's surface and closest to the sun.