The correct category of each name of the food is:
- Las grasas: La mantequilla.
- Las verduras: Los guisantes, la cebolla.
- Las frutas: Las uvas.
- El pan: Los postres, los espaguetis.
Step-by-step explanation:
The translation of the answer is:
- The fats: The butter.
- The vegetables: The peas, the onion.
- The fruits: the grapes.
- The bread: The desserts, the spaghetti.
As you can see, the category was selected depending on the type of food: The butter is a fat, the peas and onion are vegetables, the grapes are fruits, and the desserts and spaghetti are considered 'flour' as the bread.
About the articles in each case, remember the definite articles are regularly the translations of the article "the" in Spanish, to use it in the correct form you must identify if the word is masculine or feminine and, if the word is singular or plural. The translations of the article the in Spanish are:
- El: Singular - masculine.
- La: Singular - feminine.
- Los: Plural - masculine.
- Las: Plural - feminine.