
- Tropical forest is situated in the Southern part of Nepal at the altitude of 1000 to 1200 m from the sea level. [ Not too sure ]
- World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June.
- Abstinence refers to stay away from sexual intercourse. Late marriage and alternative ways of fulfilment of sexual desires like hugging , kissing , masturbation may be the best suggestions for adolescents to stay away from unsafe sexual behaviour. This is how abstinence is one of the ways of safer sexual behavior.
- Any one objective of Consumer's health :
- To protect consumer from consuming harmful products [ Might be wrong ]
- Primary health care means the basic health services that are needed for every individual to be healthy.
- Any two qualities of first aider are as follows:
- Quick and Efficient Thinker
- Calm and Positive
# Study Tip :
- Study Early And Plan Your StuDy Time : Use a calendar and write down what you're planning to do each day will help you accomplish things.
☃ Hope I helped! ♡
☂ Have a wonderful day / night ! ♨