Answer: This is basic trig man, So I can help you here. First thing you need is a calculator that can do sin cos and tan, ti-84 would work best. You need to use the sin cos and tan formulas to find the edge lengths of the side. heres a helppful tip to remeber the proper way to use the formulas. SOH-CAH-TOA or sin(angle measure)= Opposite side to that angle measure divided by the hypotenuse cos(angle measure)= adjacent side (the side next to the angle) divided by the hypotenuse. and TOA or Tan(angle measure)=Opposite divided by adjacent.
Step-by-step explanation: This is a mix of Special right triangles and trig. You now know how to do the trig, look up special right triangles 60 30 90 and 90 45 45, it should show you how to do the rest of the math, since I don't recall the formulas for this off the top of my head. I am not just giving you the answers for two reasons, 1 it would take tooo long and I am already doing a quiz, which I have five minutes left to complete, and B If you cant do this for yourself you will fail the final for your course.