Global warming is an effect on Earth, caused when too much carbon dioxide is present in the air. Carbon dioxide is a green house gas and partially restricts radiation from going back to into space, preventing the Earth from becoming too cold.
However, too much carbon dioxide has the effect of warming the Earth more than normal as it traps more heat on Earth. Thus, the greenhouse effect is enhanced- in short, global warming means that the Earth is much more warmer than normal.
The temperature on Earth has increased by 0.5 °C in the last 100 years. Although this doesn't seem like much, but a small increase can cause a big change. Global warming causes ice sheets to melt and causes sea levels to rise. Due to this, costal flooding frequently happens. In drier seasons, the heat is also more intense becuase of global warming.
Global warming can be reduced by burning less fossil fuels and using solar and wind power instead. Using more public transport could also help reduce carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere, as less vehicles will be releasing carbon dioxide. Reducing the amount of deforestation will greatly help reduce global warming, because trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and through the process of carbon dioxide, they change it into oxygen.