Answer:A part of basic arithmetic, long division is a method of solving and finding the answer and remainder for division problems that involve numbers with at least two digits. Learning the basic steps of long division will allow you to divide numbers of any length, including both integers (positive,negative and zero) and decimals. This process is an easy one to learn, and the ability to do long division will help you sharpen and have more understanding of mathematics in ways that will be beneficial both in school and in other parts of your life.[1]
A part of basic arithmetic, long division is a method of solving and finding the answer and remainder for division problems that involve numbers with at least two digits. Learning the basic steps of long division will allow you to divide numbers of any length, including both integers (positive,negative and zero) and decimals. This process is an easy one to learn, and the ability to do long division will help you sharpen and have more understanding of mathematics in ways that will be beneficial both in school and in other parts of your life.[1]