DeGraw Corporation
The dollar amount that DeGraw would actually receive after it exchanged yen for U.S. dollars is:
= $845,207
Step-by-step explanation:
a) Data and Calculations:
Japanese Yen U.S. Dollar
Price Price
Sale of a solar heating station 130.5 million $932,143.86 (130.5m/140 yen)
Payment in 6 months' time 130.5 million $845,207.25 (130.5m/154.4 yen)
b) When the yen fell against the dollar from 140 yen to 154.4 yen, the dollar amount that DeGraw would receive reduced from $932,143 to $845,207.25. This is a loss of $86,935.61 due to exchange rate fluctuations.