Most marine animals
Step-by-step explanation:
Most of your plastic trash ends up in the ocean. It is dumped by companies who don't know what to do with it. Seabirds are constantly eating the tiniest of plastics called microplastics, which fill the birds stomach. The bird does not feel hungry, so it doesnt eat and starves to death. Sea turtles are constantly choking on plastic, because when it floats in the water, it looks like their food: jellyfish. Sea otters pelts are unable to be waterproofed due to oils in the water, which neutralizes the waterproof oils in their fur. Not just in the ocean. CO2 emissions increase the amount of CO2 that stays in the atmosphere, which dissolves in the ocean and increases its acidity. This does a variety of things, to killing coral reefs, deforming shellfish, and outright poisoning fish. Increased CO2 builds up the greenhouse gasses around the planet, and increases the heat that bounce back to earth, thus warming the planet. This results in melting the ice of the north pole, where methane gas is trapped in the ice, thus releasing that methane to the atmosphere, and increasing ocean acidification.