The Circulatory system has two organs the heart, and blood vessels. The heart pumps blood and the blood is carried away and back through blood vessels like capillaries, veins, and arteries. The Circulatory system works with the Respiratory system by carrying the oxygen that is brings in, and takes away the carbon dioxide to the Excretory system. The Circulatory system helps the Excretory system by bringing waste, and carbon dioxide to kidneys, and liver I believe it might be a different organ but I know the kidneys for sure.
The Nervous system consists of three organs the spinal cord, brain, and nerves. The two systems are the Central Nervous system is made up of the the brain, and spinal cord. The Peripheral system is made up of the nerves, which branch off from the spinal cord to all parts of the body. The Central Nervous system sends a jolt of electricity from the brain through the spinal cord to the nerves that branch of it to all parts of the body so that we can move. The Nervous system helps the Digestive system by sending electricity to the nerves so that we can swallow our food and so that we can digest our food. The Nervous system helps the Excretory system by detecting any changes in the salt levels in the blood through the urine in the Excretory system. By providing the brain with a constant supply of oxygen rich blood the Circulatory system helps the Nervous system, so the Nervous system regulates the heart rate and blood pressure. So that the Nervous system can regulate the Respiratory rate, and monitor the blood gas levels the Respiratory system supplies oxygen, and removes carbon dioxide.
The Excretory system consists of five organs the Large Intestine, Liver, Lungs, Kidneys, Skin. The Excretory system helps the Digestive system by getting rid of the waste it produces. The circulatory system helps the Excretory system by giving the kidneys, and the other organs in the Excretory system blood, and carry carbon dioxide from cells to the kidneys.
The Respiratory consists of five organs Lungs, Larynx, Trachea, Pharynx, and Bronchi. The Respiratory system provides the body with oxygen, and allows us to breath.
The Digestive System consists of nine organs, the Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, Pancreas, Liver, Gallbladder, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, and the Anus. The Digestive system dissolves food and turns them into nutrients for cells, to give them energy, use for growth, and cell repair.
Step-by-step explanation:
Hope this helps:)
keera ingram