Simple sentences:
I am going to recycle
I will buy eco-friendly products.
I am going to ride my bike.
Compound sentences:
I am going to recycle, and I am going to buy eco-friendly products.
I will ride my bike; I will reduce my carbon footprint.
I will eat less meat, but I am going to eat organic vegetables.
Complex sentences:
When I buy, I am going to use less plastic.
I am going to use beauty products until they are empty.
I am going to drink almond milk because of its origins.
There are three types of sentences, simple, compound, and complex.
Simple sentences consist of an independent clause. In other words, a clause that can stand on its own because it makes sense.
A compound sentence has two or more independent clauses. These clauses can be linked by a comma, a semicolon, the subordinating conjunction but or and.
A complex sentence has an independent clause and one or more dependant clauses. They are linked with a comma or subordinating conjunctions such as when, until, because, however, etc. A dependant clause can not stand on its own it needs the information of the independent clause to make sense.