(It is below)
(Esta debajo)
Step-by-step explanation:
Soy alèrgico a las nueces - I am allergic to the nuts
Vomitè - I threw up
Fui al hospital - I went to the hospital
El doctor me ayudò - The doctor helped me
Tomè medicina - I took medicine
For the last question, it is (C) because Peter went to the hospital because he ate the wrong food. The question said that he is allergic to nuts, and he probably ate one, and got sick, and had to go to the hospital. Hope this helps!
Para la última pregunta, es (C) porque Pedro fue al hospital porque se comió la comida equivocada. La pregunta dice que tiene alergia a los nueces, y probablemente se comió uno, y se enfermó, y necesitaba ir al hospital. ¡Espero que esto ayude!