3 votes
Which of the following are reasons why your laboratory instructor would ask you to leave the laboratory? You are attentive while receiving instructions or display inappropriate behavior. You are prepared to perform the planned laboratory exercise. You are appropriately dressed for the laboratory environment. You are disruptive while receiving important instructions.

User Eveline
6.5k points

1 Answer

2 votes


Step-by-step explanation:

Handling Difficult Situations

Aggressive Incidents (Prevention)

Aggressive students can engender a climate of fear in the classroom, creating anxiety among other students and distracting them from their schoolwork. Six tips to help prevent aggressive incidents in your classroom.

The Assembly

Your challenge when faced with student misbehavior during a school assembly is to respond in a way that leaves the misbehaving student's dignity intact and allows other students to enjoy a disruption-free program.

Because it often is unsupervised, the school bathroom is a frequent site of behavior problems. Setting firm rules and carefully monitoring bathroom use can keep those problems to a minimum.


Bullying can create a climate of fear and anxiety in a school, distract students from their schoolwork, and impede their ability to learn. Dr. Ken Shore describes strategies to help educators deal with bullying.

The Cafeteria

The lunchroom often presents more challenging management problems than the classroom: students often believe that classroom rules don't apply there. Fourteen tips for improving lunchroom behavior.


Elementary school teachers play a key role in conveying the importance of honesty and in teaching students to take pride in their work. Six tips to help prevent cheating in the classroom.

Class Participation

Class participation is an important aspect of student learning. When students speak up, they learn to express their ideas in ways others can understand. Eight tips for encouraging students who are reluctant to participate in class.

The Field Trip

Class trips offer unique learning experiences and allow students to experience firsthand what they are studying. Nine tips to help you ensure educational and trouble-free field trips.

The Hallway

Behavior problems often occur when students line up and walk through the halls. That is not the time to relax rules or lessen efforts to maintain discipline. Eight tips for keeping order in line.

Hitting or Threatening a Teacher

When responding to a child who has hit or threatened a teacher, the first goal is to ensure that he doesn't do it again. Eight tips for dealing with a child who strikes or threatens the teacher.


Homework is a frequent source of tension among teachers, students, and parents. The challenge is to encourage students to take homework seriously, and to not spend time dealing with homework stragglers.


With the current trend toward inclusion -- placing special-education students in regular classes -- educators often find themselves teaching students with problems they have little preparation for dealing with.

The Playground

Behavior problems on the playground present opportunities to teach students important lessons about sportsmanship, kindness, conflict resolution, and respect for property.

Specials, Part 1

Regular classroom teachers aren't the only educators who confront behavioral problems. Teachers of special subjects, such as art, music, and physical education also face disciplinary issues.

Specials, Part 2

Structure and limits are important educational tools; tools that give rise to a climate in which creativity can emerge and flourish. Seven more tips for establishing order in phys ed, music, art...

The Substitute

An outsider with no personal connection with the students, a substitute has all of a teacher's responsibilities, but little of the authority. Six tips for preparing your classroom and your students for your absence.

Teasing (Preventing)

Teasing can result in anxiety and low self-esteem, affect academic performance, and even escalate to physical conflict. Dr. Ken Shore offers six tips for preventing teasing in your classroom.

Toileting Accidents

When a student wets or soils himself or herself , it is critical that you deal with the incident in a way that is sensitive to the student's emotional well-being, while preserving her dignity and self-esteem.

Vandalism, Part 1

Vandalism in schools can take a variety of forms. Teachers who pay attention to the reasons for vandalism can play an important role in preventing it.

Vandalism, Part 2

For some students, vandalism is a way of expressing anger or frustration. For others, it is a way of impressing peers. Whatever its reason, even minor vandalism can markedly drain a district's financial resources.

Handling Difficult Students

The Aggressive Student

In dealing with an aggressive student, you want to sen

User Garret Kaye
6.9k points