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CEER: What type of conflict is Ponyboy experiencing on page 92-93 of

chapter Six? Use evidence to explain your answer.

1 Answer

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Step-by-step explanation:

Dally relates to the two boys how worried the gang is about them. Johnny just keeps asking whether his parents have been worried. Dally avoids the question as long as he is able, but then has to admit to Johnny that, no, his parents have not asked about him. Johnny doesn't say anything, but looks devastated. Driving back from Dairy Queen, they spot the church on fire. A group of people stands around the church; a school evidently out on a picnic, and Ponyboy and Johnny jump out of the car to find out what's happening. As they arrive on the scene, one of the women shouts that some of the children are missing.

Both Ponyboy and Johnny leap through a window in search of the kids. An older man — later identified as Jerry Wood — follows them, but he is unable to get through the small window. The boys quickly find the kids and hand them out through the window to safety. Dally is now on the scene and he warns the boys to get out because the roof is starting to cave in. After dropping the last kid out the window, Johnny shoves Pony out the window, and the roof collapses. Pony blacks out, but Dally goes back inside for Johnny.

When Ponyboy regains consciousness, he hears sirens. He assumes that he is in a police car until Jerry Wood (who accompanies him) tells him that they are in an ambulance, and Johnny and Dally are in the ambulance behind them. Dally has a badly burned arm, but Johnny is in far worse condition, with a possible broken back and bad burns. They are all considered heroes for saving the children. At the hospital, doctors examine Ponyboy, and except for a few burns and a big bruise across his back, he's fine. He is in the waiting room, worried about Johnny and Dally, when Darry and Soda arrive. Soda gives Pony a great big bear hug, and Darry stands back with his hands dug into his pockets. When Pony looks at Darry he sees that he is crying. In that split second, Ponyboy realizes that Darry does care for him, that he was just trying too hard. After losing his parents, Darry fears losing another loved one.


Cherry's willingness to clue the greasers in on Soc activity shows her to be in a kind of limbo. She is no longer affiliating herself as a Soc, but instead is watching them as an outsider. However, the gang definitely does not consider her to be a greaser, because she is merely reporting to them to prevent any more fights between the rival groups. This existence, not being affiliated with one group or another, can be a scary one. It is especially frightening to adolescents who use the group mentality as a barometer of their own self worth. However, sometimes it is necessary to step outside of one's own comfort zone to stand up for an issue in which you believe. This is what Cherry is doing: Tired of the fighting and the gang mentality, she attempts to resolve the many perceived differences that separate the two groups.

This turn in Cherry's personality in some ways more closely aligns her with Dally. Dally is a greaser, but he is the most outcast of the group. He is the only one who has ever been in serious trouble, and he is the only one whom everyone in the group, including Darry, is afraid of: "Not even Darry wanted to tangle with him. He was dangerous," Ponyboy remembered.

Hinton describes Dally's hair as "white"-blond" a good color for someone who could be an outsider from all groups. White contains all of the visible rays of the color spectrum. It is a crossover color that cannot be affiliated with anyone. If Hinton were to write a sequel using Dally and Cherry, it would be easy to draw an analogy between them and Romeo and Juliet. Both couples are teenagers who come from different worlds. Romeo and Juliet deal with feuding families who oppose their relationship, and Dally and Cherry battle opposing gangs.

The perception that the three boys are heroes goes beyond gang lines. (The power of three is a theme that is prevalent throughout Western literature.) Three greasers, whom Bob had defined as "white trash with long hair," seemingly defy all stereotypes and risk their lives to save some children. This is a concept that Ponyboy thought no one could believe. Ponyboy explains the events to Jerry Wood — from the drive-in theatre, to the killing, to their escape — but Wood does not change his perception of the bravery displayed by Johnny, Pony, and Dally. Ponyboy notes of Wood, "He didn't seem to mind our being hoods."

User Citykid
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