Step-by-step explanation:
In recent years there has been an increase in children's books
written about culturally and linguistically diverse groups. This influx of new multicultural children's books has made finding culturally
diverse books to use in the classroom much easier. However, not all of the multicultural children's books are of high caliber and caution
should be used in selecting books for the classroom. Reddish (2000) recommends selecting books that are well written, high in "literary quality: plot, character development, setting, theme, and style" (p. 3). Furthermore, there is always the danger that books may contain literary characters or situations that perpetuate negative stereotypical images of culturally and linguistically diverse populations. It is
necessary to select quality multicultural children's literature that
provides accurate and authentic portrayals of cultural groups. In order to select high quality multicultural children's literature, the following criteria can be used to guide the selection process:
1. Characters should be authentic, not stereotyped.
2. Characters should be balancedwith regard to
physical, social, and emotional attributes.
3. The setting should be consistent with either a historical
or contemporary time frame.
4. The themes and values should be consistent with the
specific culture depicted.
5. The illustrations, gender roles, and information about
the culture should be accurate.
6. The selection should be rich in cultural details.
7. The selection should include an authentic interaction
between characters with a cultural group or between
two or more cultural groups