4 votes
Which form will Earth's sun become (A white dwarf or a black hole?) How does the sun get to that stage?

Name each of the stages in the life cycle of our sun. Describe what each stage is like, or what happens to cause it to change from one stage to the next.

Write your response using complete sentences.

1 Answer

5 votes

Answer: Earths sun will become a white dwarf. The sun will come to the stage of the white dwarf. And here's why, hydrogen which is what makes up the sun burns off and this takes away its fuel and this means it would become smaller. For the Sun to become a black hole it would have to be many times larger and implode and then collapse in on its self. The stages of a stars life cycle in order would be a stellar nebula(protostar) that collects and then heats up the hydrogen. Next is it just becoming and will become a stable star. After that is when our sun becomes larger and heats up. Then sun would be classified as a red giant. Then when it is done with it's slow and gradual growing it would shrink fast and become a white dwarf. But that is not the end because there is a theoretical thing that happens after a white dwarf and this thing that happens is called black dwarf star which is like a black holes littler cousin it is whatever is left of the white dwarf and emits no detectable light. (I hope this helped!)

User Kristof Rado
6.7k points