so i’m pretty sure you’re supposed to add them. first you have to find a common denominator. the easiest way to do this is to multiply the denominators! so
we have our denominator
now we have to convert both fractions into new fractions with the denominator
so for the first fraction, we got 21 by multiplying by 7, so we have to multiply the whole equation by 7:
that makes 14/21 (our first fraction!)
now the second fraction we multiplied by 3, so:
that makes 15/21
now we have to add them!
14/21 + 15/21 = 29/21
there’s one complete number in that fraction, because 21/21 reduces to 1/1 which is just one. but we still have 8 left over, so the simplified answer is:
1 8/21
hope this helped!!