BC ≅ 11cm
To accomplish this task, follow these steps:
i. Using your ruler, draw a line AB with length 8cm as shown in Figure 1. This will give AB = 8cm
ii. Remove the ruler and place your protractor at the point A and parallel to line AB as shown in Figure 2. Make a dot at the mark 90° of the protractor (See Figure 2). For accuracy, ensure that the 180° mark of the protractor is on the line AB.
iii. From point A through the dot in (ii) above, use a ruler to draw a line AC of length 8cm as shown in Figure 3. This will give AC = 8cm and will also give angle CAB = 90°
iv. Now join points C and B by drawing a line from point A to C using a ruler as shown in Figure 4.
v. Lastly, measure the length of BC by placing your ruler on line BC as shown in Figure 5. This should give a value of about 11cm.
Therefore the length of BC = 11cm approximately.
NB: All figures are attached to this response.