Part A
Calculate sale price and add sales tax:
- 20% off $339 add tax ⇒ $339*0.8*1.085 = $294.25 ≤ $300
- 15% off $310 add tax ⇒ $310*0.85*1.085 = $285.90 ≤ $300
- 25% off $365 add tax ⇒ $365*0.75*1.085 = $297.02 ≤ $300
- 20% off $300 add tax ⇒ $300*0.8*1.085 = $260.40 ≤ $300
Each price is acceptable as less than $300
Part B
Markdown with tax added:
- 25% off $328 add tax ⇒ $328*0.75*1.085 = $266.91
Without discount, the price with the tax added:
The difference is the amount Luis has saved:
- $355.88 - $266.91 = $88.97