-4 - 5/12, or option 3.
Change the denominator of each fraction to a common denominator. In this situation, the common denominator between the three fractions is 12.
- 7 2/3 = - 7 8/12
- 5 1/2 = - 5 6/12
8 3/4 = 8 9/12
Add them together.
-7 8/12 - 5 6/12 + 8 9/12 =
First, add the whole numbers together.
-7 - 5 + 8 - 8/12 - 6/12 + 9/12 =
-12 + 8 - 8/12 - 6/12 + 9/12 =
-4 - 8/12 - 6/12 + 9/12 =
Now, add the numerators of the fractions together.
-4 + (-8 -6 + 9)/12
-4 + (-5)/12 =
-4 - 5/12
The answer is -4 - 5/12, or option 3.