Answer: The main difference between Entrepreneur and Manager is their role in the organization. An entrepreneur is the owner of the company whereas a Manager is the employee of the company. Entrepreneur is a risk taker, they take financial risk for their enterprise. Responsibilities. Entrepreneurs are responsible for planning and directing the operations of a company. They also create policies, set goals and meet with potential investors and clients. Entrepreneurs involved with daily tasks also hire staff and prepare work schedules. The main difference between Entrepreneur and Manager is their role in the organization. An entrepreneur is a visionary that converts an idea into a business. He is the owner of the business, so he bears all the financial and other risks. A manager, on the other hand, is an employee, he works for a salary. You want to be your own boss. You want to create your own projects. You want the opportunity to grow a business you are passionate about. You want to be able to eventually choose your salary
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