Jason Reynolds is considered a successful writer due to his widely-read works used in college classrooms, critical acclaim, and literary awards. Success in writing is multifaceted, incorporating elements such as longevity and creative satisfaction.
Step-by-step explanation:
Jason Reynolds is considered a success as a writer particularly after the publication of his works that have been widely read and incorporated into college curriculums. His success as an author can also be attributed to the critical acclaim and awards his books have received, further establishing his reputation in the literary community. While the measure of success can be subjective, for some, Reynolds's ability to create impactful literature that resonates with both young and academic audiences may be one of the defining factors of his success.
It is important to note that the concept of success in writing, as suggested in the provided quote, is multifaceted. It considers not only fame and power but also longevity and independence in the craft. The quote emphasizes a romantic view of the literary profession where personal satisfaction with the work may outweigh other forms of success.