A liter (L) is a little over 1 quart.
A milliliter (mL) is 1/1000 of a liter or about 0.03 oz.
A kiloliter (kL) is 1,000 liters or about 250 gallons.
Directions: Solve the following problems.
1. 5,000 mL = ______ L
2. 2,000 L = _______ kL
3. 3 L = _____ mL
4. Write the missing until: L, mL, or kL.
A teaspoon holds about 5 ___ of medicine.
A birdbath might hold 5______ of water.
A tablespoon holds about 15 _____ of salt.
A bowl holds about 250 _____ of soup.
We drank about 4 _______ of punch at the party.
5. Is a mL closer to 4 drops or 4 teaspoonfuls?
6. How many glasses of juice containing 250 mL each could you pour from a 1-L jug?
7. How much water would you need to water an average-sized lawn, 1 kL or 1 L?