Click on each adjective or adverb error, then type the correct word in the text box. Check your spelling, capitalisation, punctuation, and spacing, and then click Submit
I didn't sleep good last night, so when my alarm clock rang at 7 a.m., I didn't get up immedlide. I let other hour pass, and I realized I had only two choices: Shower and arrive late
for school or get dressed quick. I decided to skip the shower and just put my clothes on. On the way to the bus stop, it started to rain. Because I had completely forgotten to bring an
umbrella, I got soaked. To make matters worst, my bus was earlier, so I missed it by seconds. The next one was crowded, and a bunch of kids were talking loud. The noise gave me a
real bad headachel When I final arrived on campus, I saw a yellow sheet of paper stuck to the classroom door. The sheet announced that all classes had been canceled. My
headache seemed even worser now! Exhausted, I sprawled across a bench in the hallway, closed my eyes, and fell asleep.