Examinez ces vingt phrases. Dix d'entre elles contiennent une faute. Soulignez-la et recopiez ensuite la phrase correctement.
. Have you seen the match on television yesterday?
I don't understand why she moved to Canada.
2. §7here did you meet him? At the supermarket?
Last year, my parents have bought a little flat
in Blackpool.
She never worn the dress I gave her for Christmas.
Have vou seen the car my mother bought?
Have they often visit museums when they were
in Paris?
Did you ever meet my friend Jonathan?
I have never seen such a fabulous dress.
§7hy don't you wear the sweater I gave you
for your birthday?
\ff/here have you lost your wallet?
§7here did you put the book I lent you?
11. §7hen did you last see Mary?
I don't think you've ever met. Am i right?
Have you been to the cinema last night?
§7hy did irour father sell his car? It was so fast!
15. I never had such a good dinner.
§ÿhere did he have his accident? In Los Angeles?
.:. Muml Did you see my pyiamas?
20. I never read such a fabulous book!