1.)No uniforms in school is a bad idea. Students will love the idea of wearing their own clothes in school, and many American schools do not enforce a uniform rule, and yet having a school uniform is a very good idea.
2.)School uniforms should not be required because it breaks a student’s right to freedom of expression, and is a financial burden for poor families. The first reason why school uniforms should not be required is it breaks a student’s right to freedom of expression. Everyone should have a right to express oneself freely.
3.)kids and even the ACLU have noted that growing children need to learn to express themselves...
National Data. Though individual schools and districts often boast about improved...
4.)Boys' uniforms often essay about school uniforms should be banned consist of dark short or long trousers and light-colored shirt, often with a tie. There are the students who wear the uniform, the parents who purchase them and the teachers who work with the students Argumentative Essay: School Uniform.
5.)School uniforms reduces the wearing of gang related clothes and helps some students concentrate more on academics instead of on clothes, which in turn, increases grades. However, school uniforms have negative effects too. A huge negative effect of school uniforms is that they infringe ones’ individuality.