Answer: 1. The battle of El Alamein. 2. The Allies decided to move next against Italy, hoping an Allied invasion would remove that fascist regime from the war, secure the central Mediterranean and divert German divisions from the northwest coast of France where the Allies planned to attack in the near future. 3. (July 1943) Mussolini was arrested by the Grand Council and king removed him as head of government. (April 1945) resulted in his death, when he moved to Milan trying to negotiate his safety and was caught by partisan on his way to Germany disguised as a German soldier. 4.
In excess of $13 billion
Over $110 billion in 2016 dollars
to rebuild European economies
Helping to raise the standard of living
The US sent machinery to help Eastern European countries recover from the effects of World War II
The US additionally sent advisers to help
rebuild transport systems destroyed by Allied bombing. If the US helps war-torn European countries recover (economically, provide employment opportunities, ensure reasonable prosperity)
then there would be no need for communism
the United States State Department recognized that
Europeans would soon not be able to buy American exports. Department feared that this would lead to another depression.
5.The aim of the deception was to reinforce the belief among those in the German high command that the main Allied landings would be in the Pas-de-Calais, across the Strait of Dover – not where they would really be, in Normandy. 6. Hitler was convinced that the invasion would take place at Pas-de Calais.
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