twixt - between. How to use twixt in a sentence. ... History and Etymology for twixt. Middle English twix, short for betwix, betwixt, or old fashioned.
obliged example -
but I feel obliged to warn you anyway
he obliged and handed it to her
spurned -transitive verb. 1 : to reject with disdain or contempt : scorn. 2 : to tread sharply or heavily upon : trample.
example - You treat me like a spurned lover.
Even to spurned lovers.
besought - to beg for urgently or anxiously beseeched him to write while he was away— R. W. Hatch. 2 : to request earnestly : implore besought their protection. intransitive verb. : to make supplication.
example - Max retired to Gerald and besought his master for aid.
It was of Queen in vain that Edward besought her to return and to re- Isabella store him his son; she came back at last,butatthehead and of an army commanded by Roger, Lord Mortimer, the Mortimer.
buzzard - 1 chiefly British : buteo. 2 : any of various usually large birds of prey (such as the turkey vulture) 3 : a contemptible or rapacious person.
example -Among other members of this order are the eagle, osprey, vulture, buzzard, kite and hawk, with about a dozen species in all.