I personally find it easier to put my equation in words before actually writing the equation, so for this particular situation, the equation would sound like this :
→ The cost (C) is equal to 45$ a day (d) plus 25$!
Now that your equation is put into words, all that you have to do is write down the equation without the words :
→ C = (45d) + 25
If you want to make sure that your equation is correct, you can try it out, say for instance you want to rent a car for a week, so for a total of 7 days, and you want to see how much it would cost :
d = 7 (in this particular situation)
C = (45 × 7) +25
C = 315 + 25
C = 340
→ So it would cost 340$ to rent a car for a week!
credit goes to naomi479xx for solving this answer.