0.1875 miles (or 3/16 of a mile)
In order to make the math easier for calculating the distance, the values have to be calculated to whole hours.
1.75*2 = 3.5
2.5 * 3 = 7.5, 7.5/2 = 3.75
Now, I divide the whole hours into quarters
3.5/4 = 0.875
3.75/4 = 0.9375
Multiply both values by 3 to get the distance after 3/4 of an hour
0.875 = 2.625
0.9375 = 2.8125
remove the smaller value from the larger value
2.8125 - 2.625 = 0.1875
I might have used a more over-complicated method than what you might have been taught, but it should be just as efficient. Good luck with your assignment!