O⇒ Write a brief overview of the image.
║This image showcases a table chart listing the fist 10 amendments of the ║Bill of Rights, and what each of the 10 amendments are.
T⇒ What is the title of the image?
║The title of this image is The First 10 Amendments.
P⇒ List three details of the image.
- The image shows a list of the first 10 amendments.
- It starts with the first amendment, continues listing them in numerical order, and ends with the tenth amendment.
- It shows what each of the 10 amendments are.
I⇒ What are the relationships between the various parts of the image?
║All of the 10 amendments originate from the same document, the Bill of ║Rights. Each of the 10 amendments have given rights for individuals in the ║US.
C⇒ What were the purpose of the 10 amendments?
║The purpose of the 10 amendments is to protect the individuals of the ║United States, and to guarantee basic human rights.
O⇒ Write a brief overview of the image.
║The image shows a visual representation of the US government, ║showcasing the three branches that make up the government, which all ║fall under the US Constitution. Each of the branches have their own ║divisions.
T⇒ What is the title of the image?
║The title of this image is United States Constitution.
P⇒ List three details of the image.
- It shows the Legislative branch of government it's divisions.
- It shows the Executive branch of government and it's divisions.
- It shows the Judicial branch of government and it's divisions.
I⇒ What are the relationships between the various parts of the image?
║The image shows a diagram of the US Government, and the three ║branches of government that make up the government. They're all ║connected under the United States Constitution.
C⇒ How does this image express Representative Government?
║This image expresses the Representative government because it shows ║the 3 branches of government that represent the people of the US.
O⇒ Write a brief overview of the image.
║The image shows the trading passages between Europe, Africa, and ║North America.
T⇒ What is the title of the image?
║The title of this image is The Triangular Trade.
P⇒ List three details of the image.
- In the image, trading passages are represented by arrows/
- Commonly traded resources between regions are listed inside each of the arrows.
- The trading passages form a triangle between Europe, Africa, and North America.
I⇒ What are the relationships between the various parts of the image?
║The image shows a visual of trading exchanges between different ║regions. They all have resources that are of value to another region, so a ║system is formed between them.
C⇒ How did the triangular trade affect the economies in each different country?
║The European economies greatly benefited from the trade, but It impaired ║Africa's potential to develop economically and maintain its social and ║political stability due to exploitation.
O⇒ Write a brief overview of the image.
║The image shows the early settlement of Jamestown.
T⇒ What is the title of the image?
║The title of this image is The Establishment of Jamestown.
P⇒ List three details of the image.
- There is a triangular settlement beside a body of water.
- In the bottom left of the settlement, there are 3 cannons.
- Uniformed soldiers stand in a square-shape to the left of the settlement.
I⇒ What are the relationships between the various parts of the image?
║There are natural resources utilized by the colonists for the settlement. ║They use canoes to access the water's resources, and the land's ║resources to create architectural structures for protection and housing.
C⇒ How did the establishment and building of Jamestown affect the success of Jamestown?
║During the establishment of Jamestown, many settlers struggled to ║survive. Jamestown was about to be abandoned, until Gates recieved ║news of an incoming fleet, bringing Lord Delaware. Eventually, a ║shipwrecked John Rolfe helped turn the settlement into a profitable ║venture.
O⇒ Write a brief overview of the image.
║Early European settlers are in the process of establishing a settlement.
T⇒ What is the title of the image?
║The title of this image is European Exploration.
P⇒ List three details of the image.
- In the image, the early contruction of a settlement is underway.
- There are ships indicating the Europeans had recently arrived.
- Settlers are chopping down trees, and contructing a barrier around the settlement.
I⇒ What are the relationships between the various parts of the image?
║The settlers are helping eachother contruct a settlement. The ships ║behind the settlement have a ramp connected to the land, which shows ║their recent arrival.
C⇒ How did the exploration affect the settlement of Europeans?
║Exploration led to the discovery, and eventual colonization, of Native ║Americans. European countries began to claim territories in North ║America to expand their influence in the new lands. Slowly, the countries ║began to settle these areas to protect their newly claimed territories.