Step-by-step explanation:
we now have snippers on the white house not only that but we also have dogs on the ground due to the fact that the gate is only 6' tall but that will change around 2025 it will be approximately 12' feet tall, also an anti air space, on top of that an anti missile gun on the top of the white house, fbi beside the president, fbi and other people look into criminal history if they go to a hotel and if someone does they kick them out while the president is there they also strip the whole school if the president is going so that they know no one has anything, the president also has a limo that has bullet protection that is grade 8 glass which can also can take an ied or even a rocket blast, a lot of no fly zones, f-15 f-16 and f-35 jets that will try and divert you out of the no fly zone who also have active missiles that they can shoot at you, and more