Below is a portion of a "situation report” that details the attack on the US embassy in Tehran.
Our Charge and Political Counselor happened to be at the Foreign Ministry at the time of the attack. They and the Embassy contacted the Prime Minister's Office and were promised that Iranian security forces would be sent to the rescue. No help came, and the Embassy after an hour’s siege, including attempts to set the building on fire and the use of a torch to try to cut through the upstairs steel doors, found it necessary to have the demonstrators in on the upper floor.
–“Situation in Iran as of 0700 EST November 4, 1979, Sitrep No. 1,” Department of State Operation Center, Iran Informal Working Group
How did the Iranian security forces respond to the attack on the US embassy?
a. They did not come to help.
b. They led the rescue.
c. They waited an hour to arrive.
d. They entered on the upper floor.