Task 1 . The income (in thousand $) of 5 small companies labeled AA , BB , CC , DD , EE has been calculated and the results are as follo,;vs:
2.49j 2.39j 2.39, 1.79, 3.8 .
1. Put the obtained data as points on the following coordinate system.
Income value
AA BB CC DD EE Company
2. Calculate the mean value from the sample for these data:
On the chart draw a line y = x (a horizontal line at the level of the mean of the sample) and for every measurement mark the difference between the value of the measurement and the sample mean.
3. Calculate the samples variance, standard deviation and the estimator of variance:
Icr2 =_.!_ f=_(xi -
I• I
__ n i=l
x_) _= iT
4. Write proper values into the following tagged fields and interpret the results obtained:
x - 20- x - a x+ a x+ 20-
Date of simulation : 2021 03 02 20:30:20.050 Seed: 20302 8071 .