Answer is below. Look at the explanation to understand my answer.
To multiply fraction, you'll need to multiply the numerator by the other numerator and the denominator by the other denominator. You don't need to make the denominators common.
Normally you'll multiply the numerator and the denominator, but for this, 12 is a whole number. To convert it into a fraction, put 1 as the denominator.
12 will now be ¹²⁄₁.
Remember, you don't need to make common denominators. Only for subtracting and adding fraction with unlike denominators.
Our problem will be like this:

With that being said, let's solve.
12 times 3 equals 36.
1 times 8 equals 8.
Our answer is ³⁶⁄₈, but it is improper. We will need to convert it into a mixed number by dividing the numerator by the denominator.
Find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of 36 and 8. If there is, reduce the fraction dividing both numerator and denominator by it.
Therefore, the GCF is 4.
Whatever you do to the top, You do to the bottom.
Our problem will be this:

36 divided by 4 is 9.
8 divided by 4 is 2.
Hence the fraction is ⁹⁄₂, but the fraction is still improper. Instead of finding the GCF, we will use long division.
We will divide 9 by 2 to get the answer.
9 divided by 2 is 4 with a reminder of 1.
The reminder will be the numerator, the denominator will be the same, and the quotient, or the answer will be the mixed number.
Therefore, our final answer is 4 ½.
Let me know of questions and concerns about my answer.