Stem anatomy
Monocot Plant where Xylem and Phloem are arranged in bundled scatters
Node Location on the stem where leaves and buds are attached
Corm A bulb-shaped specialized stem that is made of solid stem and had no leaves
Stolon Specialized stem that is usually horizontal and above the soil
Specialized Stems Bulbs, Corm, Rhizomes, and Tubers
Apical Meristem Actively growing tip found inside a terminal or lateral bud
Terminal Bud End of stem or branch
Xylem Cells in the stem where they carry UP water and minerals
Lenticel A mark on the outside of the stem that allows gas to be exchanged
Lateral Bud Bud that is found on the side of the branch
Sapwood Part of woody stem that actively conducts water and dissolved minerals
Bulb Specialized stem made of short, flat stems and contains many fleshy leaves
Dicot Plant where it's Xylem and Phloem are arranged in a circle
Inter Node Area on the stem that lies between 2 leaves/buds
Leaf Scar Scar left when a leaf falls off
Bud Scale Scar Area in the stem that shows the location of last years bud
Phloem Tube-shaped cells that carry DOWN water and minerals
Tuber Specialized stem that's tip is swollen with stored food
Rhizome A specialized stem that is thick and runs horizontally under the soil
Bud Scale Small protective structure that can be seen on the outside of a bud
Vascular Cambium Area inside stem where new Xylem and Phloem are made
Step-by-step explanation:
hope this here helps you