4 votes
Read these excerpts from Fever 1793 and The Summer of the Pestilence.

Fiction: Fever 1793

"Where are you going?" I asked. "Grandfather and I could run any errand you need."

"Not this errand, you couldn’t." Eliza reached for her pretty straw hat. "The Free African Society is having a meeting about the fever. It should prove a lively gathering."

Nonfiction: The Summer of the Pestilence

Our citizens continue still from day to day to flee, until now, I do not think that more than one-third of our white population remain in the city. Of the coloured people but few have gone, partly on account of the difficulty of getting away, but more especially because the yellow fever is a disease from which they have, comparatively, very little to fear.

In what way are the passages similar?

Both include compelling characters living in cities that have the yellow fever.
Both show a view of African Americans living in cities that have the yellow fever.
Both discuss the feelings of real people living through the yellow fever.
Both describe in detail the setting of cities that have the yellow fever.

2 Answers

2 votes

Answer: The answer is B.

Explanation: Both discussions the feeling of real people living through the yellow fever.

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User Mohamed Farouk
4.9k points
4 votes


BBB I hope

Step-by-step explanation:

User IShubhamPrakash
4.8k points