Students should start thinking about their future in high school.
Step-by-step explanation:
You are about to become an adult and it's an expensive world with a bad economy. Soon you'll need to support yourself. If you think college is the answer, unless your parents are filthy rich you should have a very clear idea of how college will help you professionally and how likely it is to be worth the expense. In other words, you need a business plan even if you go to college.
If you choose something other than college, it's time to decide how to point your ship. A trade like CNC machining or welding? Open an insurance office? Work at a restaurant in the homes of becoming a general manager?
Spend some time with these thoughts while you're driving, walking, in line, waiting for class, eating by yourself at lunch, etc. Envision yourself taking the path you choose, minute by minute. Ask people in those jobs what their day is like, what regrets they have, what they did right.
Doing these things will help you not waste your time or your parents' resources and are more likely to yield the results you want than just "letting things happen".