It is a good idea to read or exchange text messages during all of the following times except while driving a car.
Step-by-step explanation:
Eating lunch and using your phone is very safe. The only way I can see it being bad is if you handed your phone to some toddlers and took it back without wiping it off!
If you're waiting for your appointment or waiting to reach your destination, then there is also no harm. As long as you are not driving the bus or you're not the doctor working on patients while texting, then this should be alright.
This leaves us with driving. The commercials tell us. Common knowledge tells us. Hopefully, parents or colleagues or even your own kids (I've had to do this to my dad countless times before) have told you this...
So many accidents happen solely for this reason. People, just put down the phone and wait 'til you're at a red light or, even better, when you reach your destination.
So no, it is not a good idea to read OR exchange text messages while driving. Any other time? Well, go ahead! But if you're in that driver seat and your currently in the road with other cars, take into consideration the fact you are not the only person there. Keep everyone safe and drop that phone!
My bad, I got long winded. Hope this helped!
Source(s): TV Commercials, myself.