Need help please. It's urgent. ...about point of view...Read the passages below.
Passage 1: First-Person Point of View
Currents of water flowed over my skin. I pushed along my back and dove deep where the sun does not go. In the sunless depths, strange, glowing creatures grinned at me with mouths full of spiked teeth. My lungs calling for air, I surged back up into bluer waters. Speeding past darting fish, I shot out of the water and burst into the warm air. I released my lungs in a great rush, took a deep breath, and ducked back below.
Passage 2: Third-Person Omniscient Point of View
The driver stopped when they spotted the school of dolphins. Jimmy spotted fins cresting in the open water. A single gray form swam toward the boat only to disappear beneath the water’s surface. Jimmy looked to his dad to see where the animal could have gone, but Jimmy’s dad only smiled and shrugged.
Jimmy watched for other fish until suddenly, a silvered body burst from the beneath the waves and soared high into the sky. The dolphin let out a big, wet gush of warm air from its blowhole before crashing back into the water.
1) What does the changing point of view reveal about the perspective of the narrative?
a) The reader now understands Passage 1 is from a dolphin's personal perspective, and Passage 2 is from a person who is watching the dolphin.
b) The reader now understands that Passage 1 is from a whale's personal perspective, and Passage 2 is from a person who is whale watching.
c) The reader now understands that Passage 1 is from a person's perspective, and Passage 2 is from people who are there to watch this person accomplish a feat.
d) The reader now understands that Passage 1 is from a deep sea diver's perspective and Passage 2 is from the people there to support the diver's work.