Current Ratio (in %) = 157.89473684211% rounded off to 157.89%
The current ratio of 157.89% means that the company has 157.89% of current assets to pay off 100% or all of its current liabilities. To understand it better, we can say that to pay off every $1 of current liability, the company has $1.5789 of current assets. Thus, the company has enough current assets to pay off its current liabilities.
Step-by-step explanation:
The current ratio is a measure of liquidity of a business. It is calculated by dividing the current assets by the current liabilities of the company. To express current ratio in a percentage form, we use the following formula,
Current Ratio (in %) = [Current Assets / Current Liabilities] * 100
Current Ratio (in %) = [30000 / 19000] * 100
Current Ratio (in %) = 157.89473684211% rounded off to 157.89%