My experience with a healthy relationship was that my partner always showed interest in my daily life-this is very important as your partner should actively give you attention and show that they care about your life ‘that’s nice,dear’ is not a great way to show enthusiasm in your partners life
Another positive sigh of a healthy relationship from my experience is you and your partner take responsibility,people in healthy relationship act the same way that they do in every situation;they hold them themselves responsible for their actions and take action to fix problems
On the other are some unhealthy sighs in a relationship from my experience is being posessive as they want to control every bit of your life for example what you wear and where you go and when you go and also which one of your friends your going out with and not letting you go out with certain people another unhealthy part of a relationship is them always lying to you and hiding things from you that you deserve to know such as them losing interest in you and dating someone behind your back without you being aware of it.
Sorry if I spelt something wrong
I hope This helps