Clare is 5 years older than her cousin.
How old would Clare be if her cousin is:
10 years old?
2 years old?

years old?
Clare is 12 years old. How old is Clare’s cousin?
Diego has 3 times as many comic books as Han.
How many comic books does Diego have if Han has:
6 comic books?

Diego has 27 comic books. How many comic books does Han have?
Two fifths of the vegetables in Priya’s garden are tomatoes.
How many tomatoes are there if Priya’s garden has:
20 vegetables?

Priya’s garden has 6 tomatoes. How many total vegetables are there?
A school paid $31.25 for each calculator.
If the school bought calculators, how much did they pay?
The school spent $500 on calculators. How many did the school buy?