Yes, this is a disrespectful attitude by students that should not occur.
Step-by-step explanation:
This situation described in the question would be totally disrespectful if it were directed at anyone, but when the mockery is carried out by a group of students and their teacher, the situation is even more unethical, because the teacher is the authority in a classroom, is an older person and deserve respect. No person deserves to be bullied of any kind, this is an aggressive behavior that can impact in a severe way on a person's life, in the case of the teacher who already suffered from depression, having suffered this verbal aggression on the part of the students can cause her feel cornered and develop other disorders such as panic syndrome when teaching a class for example.
It is essential that such behavior does not occur and that everyone is made aware of it, and if you or someone close to you is a victim of bullying, it is necessary to communicate quickly with the competent authorities of the school so that the necessary measures are taken and this no longer occurs.